Sunday, April 20, 2008

oh, no you didn't.

the ruskie texted me today to ask if the dog missed her and if he could text her.


what's worse? i totally held the phone up to his nose and he pushed 2 buttons. then his right paw pushed a few more. and i sent it.

ruskie: "tucker's going to love TX."
me: "i'm not too concerned about you stealing him anymore. you'll have to fight [the jew] for him first. she's way too attached at this point..."

which is true. she wants to take him everywhere she goes. everywhere! they're inseparable, really. it's like i'm being replaced! ;)

as i went to leave for work today i pointed to her and the dog:

me: "i'll leave you and your...well...soulmate...or be."
jew to the dog: "do people just not understand our love?"

no, jew, no we don't.

(and don't think i forgot, ruskie, that you asked the dog to text you. you won't live that shit down for awhile.)

1 comment:

Ann said...

That's fabulous. I'm going to tease her about it now. And especially since she brought that huge treat back for him.

Lucky Tucker!