Saturday, April 26, 2008

give me a toaster oven, people.

the jew is officially batting for my team now ;-)

i always knew i could get her...

(softball, people, softball)


Ann said...

Wouldn't SHE get the toaster oven... if you weren't kidding?

skalaney said...

no no no no, anytime you can recruit another you get a toaster oven. jeez, you straighty's don't know anything! :)

(i totally have been waiting for the first time she came to practice to be able to use this blog entry, btw)

Ann said...

Aha... I thought it was the person who came out got the appliance.

I didn't realize there was a secondary part to the appliance. Must watch more L-Word. :) My colleague is hooked (and a lesibian).

skalaney said...

being gay is its own reward, my dear. the recruiter gets the prize :)

Lindsay said...

I don't get it...why would you get a toaster oven?!

skalaney said...

because we're secretly sponsored by black & decker :)

Ann said...

Bloody brilliant... :) I had no idea about the recruiter thing... my friends need to keep me INFORMED!