Saturday, April 12, 2008

what did we do to deserve this?

the jew & i are both sick. not like coughing, sneezing, sniffling sick. more like omg, if i even think about eating anything i'm going to die. and it's not related, either. her thing is very different than my thing. vice versa, clearly.

so, how is it that the only one in the house that isn't tummy sick is the on that eats CHICKEN FRIED BACON?

how does that make sense?!? fucking ruskie.

(oh, and i finally figured out why the dog goes so crazy when we try to eat cookies...he learned it from the ruskie. who was pretty much eating the cookies as soon as they were out of the oven. i'm surprised she didn't channel her inner sylvia plath and just dive in the damn thing head first. fucking ruskie :) )


Lindsay said...

dude, the chicken fried bacon trains your stomach to be stronger. I'm sure of it.

Anonymous said...

are you dead? cause you know, since thinking about food is your kryptonite, and you spent an entire paragraph talking about cookies...