Saturday, May 24, 2008

oh woe is he.

like i said, the jew is out of town for the weekend. she returns tomorrow. tucker is, of course, acting like he's lost his best friend.

there's a car across the street that is the same make/model as the jews. today when the neighbors came home they clicked their alarm and made the same noise as the jew's car. at which time tucker went bat shit insane thinking his jew was home.

even after we told him that she was not home, he insisted on making sure that we weren't lying to him.

and then he realized, in fact, she really
wasn't home and his vigil for his jew

poor lil guy.


Ann said...

Awwwww... this is what my dogs do when I leave after a visit home.

Lindsay said...

It was soo funny. He is still mopey several hours later.

Ann said...

I bet. Does he act this way when the Gypsy leaves?

Lindsay said...

haha no, just when the jew leaves. A day later and he is still depressed.

skalaney said...

before we lived with the jew and she would visit my apartment, tucker would snuggle really close to her the entire time she was there. upon her exit from the apartment, he would snuggle up to the pillow she had lay on or the blanket she had used and he would not move until he was forced to or until she came back. then there was the time she borrowed a sweatshirt of mine and when she returned it he refused to allow me to take it from the couch and would growl at me every time i attempted to.

the love for his jew runs very deep. :)