Wednesday, June 4, 2008

the gypsy, the Jew, a baseball game, & a rain delay or two...

2038 hrs: So the Jew and I are at a nationals/cards baseball game. We are sitting on the ground watching a kid throw a ball against a wall for the last 20 min or so. Why? Because the game is now beginning hour 2 of a rain delay.
(the jew worried about whether the game will ever start--hour 1) --->

We've exhausted all things to talk about (its very hard to have conversations when the other person has already thought what you were about to say). We did a bit of people watching and mocked accordingly.

<--(douche bag Screech looking dude that thought it a grand idea to wear his visor upside down)

and now we've gone on to live blogging. But since the Jew isn't creative it's me blogging and her looking over my shoulder. Even with nothing to do I feel that this will be one of my favorite baseball game experiences out of all the games I've gone to
throughout my life...or at least it will make the top 2* ;)

2110: this lady started going through the trash for no reason (or seemingly). she deserves a blog entry all to herself, but alas i'm too lazy to do it.

(turns out she had lost her credit card in the trash. she later came back and announced that she "has a fetish for trash cans")

2139 hrs. We've eaten ice cream and walked the entire 1st level of the park 2 full times (this way we could justify the eating of the ice cream...). Still no pitches no players no stop in the rain.

<--(somehow their grounds crew has managed to figure out a way to lay a big sheet of plastic and fill it with water... now, if only we could figure it out.)

this is apparently the place to be for people who do not understand personal boundaries...while the jew was in the restroom this random man practically stepped on me to read the wall behind my head. i suppose that's what i get for sitting on the floor. however, the man that just popped the jew's personal bubble with his belly/crotch and accosted her head while she was sitting in an actual bleacher chair? no excuse, buddy, no excuse. (he's lucky i didn't take him down).

<--(guy that trampled me) (guy that almost rubbed his big man belly on the jew's head)-->

2150 the game has now been postponed until tomorrow afternoon during a time we can't make it to. and now we're heading home...

2220 hours: we turn down our block and this is what we see:

("i thought we left the crime scenes back in columbia heights...")--->

wtf? so of course after we turn around and drive down the wrong way on our one way street we go investigating. turns out, downed power line. but the geniuses from the arlington county department of something or another can't seem to understand that the police line tape is for the PERIMETER of the issue. my tax dollars at work people.

so...3 hours of sitting around in the rain, eating ice cream, making fun of people, exploring a "crime scene",and doing it all with my jew? quite an enjoyable evening. for reals. see? the jew agrees:
(she's just upset because i won't take a picture with her...oh, and i told her we could play "gay or midwestern?" with this photo...)

* this is only my second game i've ever gone to. the other one was last night, also a rain delay night. also quite enjoyable.


Ann said...

Brilliant. I look forward to the subsequent posts!

DC weather? Stop raining, y'hear??

Ann said...

The blog update? brilliant. Absolutely.

Especially about the plastic tarp and holding water...