Sunday, March 23, 2008

I get by with a little help from my friends...

it's been a rough few days for this gypsy. i won't get into it, but trust me. i have a few more rough ones ahead. however, i'm lucky that i live with the best jew and the best ruskie on the planet.

i come home (early) from work today. enter the house. there sits the jew on the floor putting together furniture. there sits the ruskie on the couch doing...well, ruskie things. there sits the dog with a new toy. a pink toy. a neon pink HIGH HEEL toy. i shit you not.

"don't you dare ever give me shit about the pink bone again."
"totally the response we were expecting"

nothing but laughter. totally needed.

flash forward an hour to this (and, yeah that is a head lamp):

the jew? in a closet? with power tools? i can't make this shit up. priceless.

very much needed ladies.

very much appreciated.

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