Tuesday, July 15, 2008

the gypsy and jews giant game of red rover.

since the ruskie vacated the nice bright non humid room downstairs i have moved into it. this puts the jew and i directly across the hall from each other. this makes the monster dog very happy. he can now run from my room across the hall into her room and onto the bed. and then back again. wash, rinse, repeat. over and over again.

jew: "oh, so you think you can just sleep wherever you want with whoever you want? you think you can just jump from bed to bed?"
me: "yeah, we can call him [insert name of slutty friend here]."
jew: "are you [the slut]? are you? yes you are...."

ridiculous. but also kinda awesome.

the other thing that putting us across the hall from each other has done is that we can seriously each sit on our bed and post game our days.

however, even the proximity hasn't stopped us from IMing each other from across the 8 feet of hallway.

what can i say? old habits die hard.


Lindsay said...

post a video of the monster dog!

Ann said...


And yes, I agree with Lindsay... video of monster dog ricocheting from both rooms is definitely needed...