Tuesday, July 15, 2008

ER visit # 1 billion and 4

ugh. lunch with the jew is so stressful it landed me in the ER..again ;)

not really, but after a very pleasant empty-bar lunch, i said goodbye to the jew and went about going to work. of course my body had other plans for me. namely vomitting excessive amounts of blood all over my car. SO MUCH FUN.

off to the ER i went. but i didn't utilize my uber awesome ICE (shocking, i know!). i utilized my uber awesome girlfriend and went about going to the ER.

1 crackhead roommate, an NG tube (like an orgasm for my nose), and 6 hours later i got discharged.

i call the jew (who has kept in contact via text the entire time):

jew: "i bought you cheerios."

this is why my jew is the best jew in the entire world. ever. hands down.

oh, yeah, and thanks gf. you're the best too. :)

(pictures to come...because my gf is a sadist :) )


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are out of the ER.
Pictures??? Lovely :-(
Can't wait to see those ;)
At least your gf has a sense of humor =)
Can't wait to meet her.

Ann said...

Pictures of the ER? Your gf is a sadist...

hope you're feeling better...

the jew IS the best.