Wednesday, November 5, 2008

dying from the cuteness....

the little monster has gained quite a bit of weight lately. we're not so sure why or how, but he no longer looks like a pitt-bull in anyway. in fact he's all big fatty old man lab. however, he's still able to make us go awwwww when he does things like this:
on a sidenote: i've begun the process of looking for a new place to live. this makes me very sad. we're not sure how we're going to divide the monster. i say chainsaw, but most likely we'll go with a massive game of tug-o-war....


Ann said...

Holy crap... dying from the cuteness indeed! I miss that Tucker!

Lindsay said...

awww so cute!!

Jew said...

I vote that I just pay you an undisclosed amount of money for him...